  1. Dating Site Fish In Ponds
  2. Dating Site

This still annoys me. I try to be the bigger person, but yet, I would like to smack the Window Shopper because I feel he tricked me and wasted my time.

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Dating Site Fish In Ponds

The Window Shopper wooed me via email. We “met” on He kept sending me messages that he liked my smile, he could wait to meet me, etc. We made plans for dinner. A really nice restaurant that also plays jazz. I’ve always wanted to go there. All week he asked is it date day yet?


I knew from his profile that he was a bit shorter. I’m 5’7 and I really don’t have an issue with men being shorter than me, but I do like to wear heels. I figure a confident man can handle that. He did make mention of his height so I knew it meant something to him and I was sure to tone that down. Dinner was great. We had good conversation and got along quite well. He is a foodie and seemed to know about wine (I know a lot about wine as my ex is in the industry as is my best friend). We had a lot to talk about. After dinner we sat at the bar and chatted until the place was closing. He walked me to my car and gave me flowers. I thought, how sweet.

The next day he told me what a great time he had and asked me to come to his house. He wanted to make me dinner. He also bragged about his Blue Ray and asked me what movie I wanted to watch. I chose it and he actually bought it. He asked me to please wear flats. Found that strange, but whatever. I went over (in my cute new flats), brought him a nice bottle of wine and we actually made fresh pasta and dinner. Dinner was great, the movie was fun, we did a little making out. We had two bottles of wine…ut oh. I couldn’t drive home and I spent the night. Did I say ut oh?

I went to use the bathroom, came into the bedroom and he was naked! How presumptuous! Eh, oh well, being not in the best decision making place and I rolled with it. Yada yada yada, next morning I had a bit of a hangover and we did a little yada-ing and he was very sweet and nice and gave me a toothbrush. He sent me a message at work that he had a great night and it was nice waking up with me. The good news was I had that day off from work.

We did some occasional texting and made tentative plans for the next Saturday. I didn’t hear from him as much and I probably texted him a little too much. I’m a texter. I thought he was into me. So Saturday rolled around and I didn’t hear from him. I finally sent him a message saying, I’m guessing since I haven’t heard from you that we are not getting together tonight. He said, Oh, I’m sorry. I went to the Casino with my boy and he was winning. We are still here. I said Okay. And that was it.

Dating Site

The next Monday I got an email from him. He basically said that he was sorry about the way he behaved and that he was scared and he thinks he is just going to “window shop” for a while. I was pissed. I sent him a pretty blunt email back telling him he wasted my time. I did hear from him again. He asked how I was doing and that was that. I’m still thinking, why the hell do you care??? I figure he is still out there window shopping and was checking to see if I was still for sale. Jerk. From then on – Hard to get was my motto!