Nobody waits days to answer someone they're genuinely interested in. If she's obsessed with you - This might seem great at first, but can turn south quick. Codependency is not healthy, and can create a foundation for control, manipulation, and abuse later on. No, I don’t have time for someone who’s not interested in me. There’s plenty of guys who weren’t interested in me when I was single but that doesn’t make them more appealing. I just ignore them and paid attention to who was and who I liked.
I've a guy friend (black 17) who I've known since we were like 8. When my family moved his were the first to greet us and we've been really close friends ever since.
However things kind of got bad about a month back when he told me he had feelings for me and did for a long time. I told him that I liked him as a friend and wouldn't want to ruin that by trying something like dating.
He got upset but tried to play it off. He started getting cold and I asked him about until he finally said 'I just realised you're racist, that's all.'
I was upset by this since it came out of left field. I asked him how and he told me that most of the guys I've dated or 'simped' over have been white or Asian. When I pointed out that I'd been with someone black 6 months and that he himself knew that he told me it was only because he was 'really good looking' and that I wouldn't go out with an average looking guy like him.
We argued about it quite a bit and it's been two weeks since he's stopped talking to me. But with that in mind my question is, is it racist to have preferences? I mean it's true that most of the people I've been with have been white (and then asian) but it's not like I'm turned off by black guys? Or as shown it's not like I'd never not date someone just for being black. But is it wrong if I did have preferences I wasn't aware of?
I told the guy that even if it was the case I don't 'owe' anyone romantic feelings and no one is entitled to get a date. So even if I met someone who wasn't interested in white girls I could tell them 'maybe think about why that's the case' but like... why? To what end? Someone doesn't have to justify why they will or won't date me. And in this case I don't even think I did anything wrong.
I (25M) am struggling with the ethicallity of dating despite not wanting a relationship.
I've been in 3 serious relationships over the last 6 years, with the most recent one ending 18 months ago. Each ended rather spectacularly, and each provided their emotional baggage. The most recent one ended because l was dishonest and hurt both myself and my SO.
Time has passed and I'm pretty much over my ex but still have a lot of growth to do and projects to undertake, which I want to be alone for so that I can throw myself headlong into it. Despite absolutely not wanting a relationship (as it feels to soon and at the wrong time) I think it might be good to start dating again, just to finally fully move on from my ex. I am however worried about entering the dating scene and hurting people due to getting their hopes up / leading along.
A girl gave me her number at work today and I'm considering texting her, as she seemed cool. I don't want her to get the wrong idea and I'm also not sure what it is I want, I only know what it is I don't want .