(Before you ask, I'm not worried about the legal stuff because the age of consent where I live is 16. Not interested in things getting sexual anyway.)
First off, we're a little over 3 years apart.
The difference-maker is where you are in your respective lives, and I've grown up a lot in the last few years, to the point where I can't see how I could meaningfully relate to the average 18 year old. There are gonna be some who are on their shit to the level of someone more my age, but tbh that's going to be the exception rather than the rule.
Ok so I’m 17 and this kid is 15. I’m a senior and he’s a sophmore. We definitely both like each other there’s so many signs but the only thing I don’t like is the age gap. An age difference of 7 years when one person is 50 is nothing. An age difference of 7 years when one person is 15 is everything. I came in to make this point. I'm 42 and dating someone who is 35 or 49 is no big deal. The difference is that people undergo huge personality changes up to around 25. That's when the brain stops developing. Over 18 and under 18 don’t really mix in terms of dating for obvious reasons. Not sure about outside of USA but that is a pretty serious gap here. Even though the age of consent in my country is 16 years old, it still feels off listening to it happening. Are we 18/F and 18/M too old for promise rings? My boyfriend and I have been best friends for over a year, and dating for 6 months. He has talked about getting a set of rings for us that symbolize a commitment to each other, so basically promise rings. But everyone I've mentioned it to has said that promise rings are for middle.
So I'm really into a sophomore in high school who's 16, turning 17 this October. I've genuinely never had as much in common with someone as I do her and I enjoy talking to her over text messages and facebook. We aren't dating yet, but we've shown mutual interest in each other. I would very much like for this person to be a part of my life.
Unfortunately, as a freshman in college who is turning 20 in four months, I feel extremely weird in this position, and the friends I've spoken to about it don't support me. I can't really blame them. I'll turn 20 three months before she turns 17, and even though that's just three months apart, being a 20 year old dating a 16 year old still makes me feel weird. I certainly don't feel 20, and one year ago I was still in high school, but I can't argue with the numbers, and the numbers say that I'm a creep.
I don't think 3 years is really that far apart, but it's gonna be 'a thing' until she's 18. But even then, she'll still be in high school.
As a side note, she has a brother who's, like, 22 and probably pretty protective of her. So there's that.
I'm just looking for feedback. I don't think I'm willing to date her at this exact point in time. I'm thinking I'm either going to wait it out until she's 18/graduated from HS or I'm just gonna duck out. Thanks for reading and hopefully providing some feedback. I'm very torn right now.
e: I really appreciate all of the comments, guys. I can't say reading these responses and having 12 hours to mull things over is enough to make a decision, so I can't really promise that I'll be updating this thread with a final decision. It's giving me a lot to consider though, and it really just helps to receive opinions. Thanks again.
And to anyone else who responds, thank you very much in advance.